Common Questions About Autism


How can therapy help my child?
Every parent wants the best future for their child. However, disorders like autism can often put a dent in their dreams. A neurodevelopmental disorder, autism can impair social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communication, and cause restricted and repetitive behavior. Fortunately, symptoms can be determined as early as the first 2 years of the child’s life and the disorder is treatable.

Early Signs of Autism

Symptoms will range from social, communication to behavioral differences.  The developmental differences may appear as early as baby age. There can be significant differences in terms of social and language skills. Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) will sit, crawl and walk as any normal child. This often makes it difficult to find any irregularities in the development of gesture, pretend plat and social language. On the other hand, parents may notice a delay in spoken language and non-typical behavior. Things are not made any easier by the fact that autism symptoms are not the same for every child.

The best you can do is trust your instincts. Parents are always super conscious about their children. If you ever feel concerned that something seems off about the child's development, it is suggested you consult a doctor. A pediatrician can put your concerns to rest or recommend you to a specialist for further evaluation.

Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA)

A board certified behavior analyst (BCBA) is a consultant in the field is autism with sufficient training. Before they begin their training, they are required to complete a master’s degree. Their specialized training lasts for 3 years. During this time, they are supposed to complete extensive coursework along with consultation and supervision. Training is focused on learning about the basic principles of human behavior and what can bring a change in them. After the training is complete, they must go through an extensive examination to prove merit and pledge to maintain professional ethical standards. In order to maintain their credential, they must proceed to complete their post-graduate training.

Watch the video on signs and symptoms of autism/userfiles/6421856/file/wsi 3.mp4

Why Choose a BCBA for an Autistic Child?

Many parents are not sufficiently aware of the autism disorder when their children get diagnosed. To someone who has only heard about autism, the entire situation may seem confusing and scary. Children can be quite young when the autism symptoms start to appear; sending parents into abrupt actions. Lacking in awareness and given the rising demand for autism consultants, parents or families can often come in contact with individuals not sufficiently trained for the field.

The field of autism has attracted many individuals with minimal professional qualifications and training. It does not help that several countries have no regulation for consultants. These individuals don’t have the proper knowledge to assess an autistic child and many not meet the ethical standards of the practice. 

Therefore, it becomes important that you must seek well-known professional to discuss your concerns. The behavior analyst certification board Inc. (BACB) is the only international board for certifying behavior analysts all around the world. Only the individual who has been certified by the BACB have the right to present themselves as behavior analysts to the public.

Barbara Ellis-Woroch

Barbara Ellis-Woroch is a human behavior expert with a PhD in psychology and services as BCBA for autistic children.  Barbara has a long experience in consulting for human behavior in the workplace but she has extended her expertise to help children with autism and other learning disabilities. She regularly takes on consulting cases for such children. Parents or families can contact Barbara for assessment, behavioral intervention plans and overseeing treatment.

You Can Give Your Child a Better Future

Autism is surely a cause for concern for parents and families of affected children. However, you can give your autistic child a great future because the disorder is treatable. But you need access to quality education about the disorder and expert professionals who can help you and your child.

Children, with or without any disorder, always need a different kind of approach. Only the experts in this field can approach them an effective manner so they respond to the treatments. Barbara harnesses the power of her long-term experience to treat autistic children. Her kind and welcoming personality have been a comfort to many families with autistic children. Her in-depth knowledge about human behavior and autism allows her to a better consultant for your autistic child. She has consulted on my cases with successful results.

How to Contact Barbara

Barbara understands how difficult it can be families who have been just discovered diagnoses of autism. Therefore, she is highly flexible for provided her services. Barbara can be contacted for a consultation at her office but she can also make home visits. On the other hand, you can book an online consultation with her as well.

What can Barbara do as a BCBA?

Barbara, as BCBA, is trained to provide and supervise behavior analysis for autistic children. She will meet with the family and teacher to plan a program that meets the specific needs of the autistic child. Goal setting for autistic children is broken down from bigger goals into smaller steps. The teacher will be advised to prompt the child to take some action with a simple direction.  Teaching plans will further include helping when requires, reinforcement and repetition. Autistic children will often be rewarded for showing a skill under different conditions.

Barbara may advise t use the same methods in natural situations like home. Autistic children can respond to simple directions and reinforcement. Parents and families will be advised to supervise the progression of a certain skill.

Just because your child has been diagnosed with autism, it does not mean they can't live life to the fullest. They need help to move on with their lives like any other kid of their age. However, when this help comes from professionals like Barbara, your autistic child has better chances of living a fulfilling life.

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